After I left Calcutta (I still think this name has got metropolitan [little after what our very own ‘Didi’ has done to it and will be doing it in the next years to come] written all over it than Kolkata which is meant for only the ‘Bangalis’ exclusively which is unfair as all dwells in the city) Err…hmmm, where was I again?? ‘Sob Story Teller’ strikes again। :-)
Yes, the blog name and why. After I left Calcutta, I started living a life which I never imagined I would be living, it was unreal. At first there was no proper place to stay, was putting up with a friend Ujjwal in a less than 150 sqft room with a conveniently fitted cemented bathroom inside the room itself. The hole in the bathroom was the source of light and millions of National Geographic insects into the room. You could also gaze at people at a distant off the field while taking a bath. Now, I know why so much of MMS scandals happen, people, take care of your bathrooms!! By the way, these things in life are suppose to make boys into men, I was told by many people. Wonder Dr. Vijay Malya or Mukesh Ambani’s son will ever be men??
Anyways, I had got a flat at Bhawarkua, Indrapuri Colony, after about 10 days of searching. It was a 1 room-1 bathroom, no kitchen, no hall. (The cute room all to myself was the only joy to me after a hard day of work, not to mention the useless politics that people play). The flat beside me had some students/working people residing, I was allowed to use their kitchen. One of them, Bhupesh, actually got me the place.
There was a cook, ‘Damu’, also known as ‘Damu Seth’ as he came down to cook whenever he wanted to and if he wanted to at all. So a lot of times, I watched Bhupesh as he cooked and I did my own dishes only. Often, I saw him adding some stuff before he finally put the cooker out of the gas. I was told that was ‘Tadka’ to add the spice or the zing in the food making it tastier and often making the food edible in case something is not right with the food.
Hence the blog name. I have learnt that ‘Tadka’ is what makes one’s daily living spicy. It gives that extra zing to that ordinary everyday bland everyday life. It makes one feel that life is ok though things might not have been all that great. ‘Tadka’ itself is relative like in real life, to many its own form, quantity and quality, but essential.
‘The real taste of life’ as you cannot do without it and at the same time if ‘Tadka’ if not added properly or added in excess, may spoil the food and your stomach respectively. So sit back and enjoy, ”Desi Tadka – The Real Taste Of Life”.