Let us rewind a little, the first time, this neighbor’s wife saw me was trying to get over the boundary wall of my house at 5am in the morning. I was coming back from Vijaywada and didn’t have the key to the main gate and Gaurav was not taking the call in his slumber. I was halfway on top of the boundary wall and I heard a voice,”Mr Mr, where are you going?” It took me around five minutes to convince her that I stay in the same house, its just that I do not have the key and the landlord will start yelling if I wake him up at five in the morning.
His wife was from Mumbai, hometown was Tamil Nadu, in laws stayed in Karnataka and she in Andhra and teaches Hindi in some school. Found it a little confusing and tried to sync the India map and all the states thinking I am not the only one who has to travel. Her English was the typical YUMM—M, YELL-L, YENN-N, YO-O types, wondered how she managed to teach Hindi which she could hardly speak.
After a 20 minutes discussion on my Telengana stake, education in India, politics in Bengal and two pushes from Gaurav, we decided to have breakfast. I was not that interested in the breakfast thingi as I am not much of an Idli, Dosa or any of its kind person. The wife came smiling and the husband accompanied in a symphonized harmony, wondered it was planned. She put down one biggg casserole and open the lid to some ‘Chaowle kya sabzi’(Chole ka sabzi), she said, I now you North peapull likes Chaowle, saw yai made Chaowle and Pooriz’. It was a nice gesture; we never thought someone in an unknown area would actually care to cook what we might like to have for breakfast. Gaurav started drooling and almost finished 4-5 puris at lightning speed. The old man also was pretty fast with his hands. I was awestruck and managed with three puris itself while Gaurav and the neighbor competed to 8-10 I think. In between, I praised the food and was generally talking about filter coffee and its popularity in south. The wife who had come and joined the conversation sprang up faster than a rocket and got us some hot filter coffee and steel tequila glasses, well it looked like that. The neighbor had it one shot too and smiled!!! Damn, I couldn’t take a sip, it burnt my tongue! Waited for ten minutes and then managed to have it sip by sip.
Did the final Namashkaram while the entire family bid as adieu till the gate. We found someone who cared for us far off from home when all people nearby don’t care much.
P.S.- This blog has been written in just humor and means no offense to any part of the country/religion/caste. We are all one world and so I continue to believe..